Copy of note concerning the counterfeiting of foreign gold in Ireland
His Grace the Duke of Ormond Her Majestys General & General Governour of the Kingdome of Ireland having with the inclosed Letter to my Lord Treasurer transmitted to his Lordship a Copy of a Representation which his Grace has received from the Lords of Her Majestys most Honourable the Privy Councill of that Kingdome Proposing the making current there by Proclamation the several Pieces of Forreigne Gold therein mentioned at the rates & prices therein named in order to prevent the Counterfeiting thereof & that Offenders therein may be punished My Lord Treasurer commands me to send You herewith the said Letter & Representation, and is pleased to direct Your to consider the same and to Report to his Lordship as soon as conveniently You can what You think proper to be done therein
I am Sir &ca. 26th Febry 1711
T Harley