Copy of note concerning petitions to succeed Brattle as assay master, and supply of copper to the works at Great Marlow
Officers Mint
Mr Kemp & Mr
Cumberlege &
proprietors of
the Copper works
at Great Marlow
My Lord Treasurer Commands me to send you the inclosed Petitions of Mr John Kemp, & Mr John Cumberlege each of them praying to succeed Mr Brattle, late Assay Master of the Mint, his Lordship directs you to consider the same, with the other Applications that have been make for the said Office, And that you propose to his Lordship the fittest person in your Iudgment for filling up the said vacancy I am &ca the 4th. Febry. 17
Wm Lowndes
This incloses also a proposition of the proprietors of the Copper Works at Great Marlow for supplying Blank peices of Copper for Coyning farthings & halfpence, which you'll consider with all other the papers now under your Consideration relating to the said Coynage, and make Your Report to his Lordship thereupon.