Copy of note requesting an account of the silver and gold monies coined at the recoinage of the silver money, with a request for its delivery
Sir Isaac Newton
In Obedience to his Majestys Command upon an Address of the House of Lords You are forthwith to lay before that House An Account attested by Your Selfe of all the Silver Money Coyned at the Recoynage of the Silver Money of England at the Tower of London & the several Country Mints & also of all the Silver Moneys & Gold Coyned at or in that time unto Michaelmas last past.
And the Lords Commissioners of his Majestys Treasury desire that You Will bring or send to this Office some time this day or early tomorrow Morning a Copy of the said Account, Which by their Lordshipps Direction to You from &c 17 Ian 1717
W Lowndes.