Copy of letter recommending John Rollos for the newly vacant position of Assistant to the Chief Engraver
The Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury being informed that the Place of Assistant to the Chief Graver of his Majesty's Mint is Vacant by the death of the Mr: Saml: Bull; And observing that, by a Clause in the Letters Patent constituting the said Chief and Assistant Gravers, it is directed that in case the said Assistant's place shall be void it may be filled up by such probationer or Apprentice as shall be presented to his Majesty by the Warden, Master & Worker, and Comptroller of the Mint, by Warrant under his Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, Their Lordships are pleased to recommend Mr. John Rollos (to whom for his Skill and Abilities in Engraving his Majesty has been lately pleased to Grant the Office of Engraver of his Signets, Seals, Stamps, & Arms,) to be presented to You for the said Assistant Engraver's Office. I am &ca: 16th: Augst: 1726
I. Scrope.