Copy of warrant relating to plate taken in at the Mint on and after the 15th May 1711
Anne R.
Whereas upon the Votes & Address of Our Commons in Parliament Assembled, We did by Warrant under Our Royall Sign Manuall dated the 10th day of May last Authorize & Comand, the Warden Master & Worker & Comptroller of Our Mint in Our Tower of London to take & receive from all persons & Bodys politick or Corporate all such wrought plate as they or any of them should bring to Our said Mint of the kinds & standards mentioned in the said Votes, And to give such Receipts for the same as were deliver'd in the said Address of Our Commons, and forthwith to cause the same to be melted down & assayed, And that you the Master & Worker of Our said Mint should imediately Coin the same into shillings & sixpences & pay the Moneys produced into the Receipt of Our Exchequer & take Tallys for Your discharge, And Whereas in the Act of Parliament Entituled [An Act for Lycencing & regulating Hackney Coaches & Chairs, & for Charging certain new Dutys on Stampt Vellom parchment & paper & on Cards & Dice & on the Exportation of Rock salt for Ireland and for securing thereby and by a Weekly payment out of the Post Office and by Severall Dutys on Hides & Skinns a Yearly Fond of 186670l. for 32 years to be Applyed to the Satisfaction of such Orders as are therein mentioned by the Contributors of any Summ not Exceeding Two Millions to be rais'd for Carrying on the Warr and other Her Majestys occasions] It is Enacted That all and every the Receipts given for the plate brought into the said Mint before the 15th day of May 1711 should be accepted & taken as so much Money for the Fourth part of the Contributions upon the said Act, but no provision is made for accepting the Receipts dated on or after the said 15th day of May, Now That Our loving Subjects may not want the use both of the Receipts & the New Moneys Coined out of their plate Our Will & pleasure is And We do hereby Authorize & Command You the said Master & Worker of Our Mint to pay unto Each of the Importers of Plate whose Receipts are dated on or after the said 15th day of May at the Rate of 5sh per Ounce for the plate Imported any thing in Our former Warrant to the Contrary in any wise notwithstanding, But You are to take Care, that an Exact Account be kept of the difference between the Summs so paid by You in the pursuance here of, And the Rates at which the said plate was delive'd according to Your said Receipts and of the Totall Amount thereof. And for so doing this shall be Your Warrant. Given at Our Court at Windsor Castle the 30th day of Iuly 1711 In the Tenth Year of Our Reign
By her Majestys Comand