Copy of note concerning the petition of Mr Yates of the Bristol Mint
To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury
May it please your Lordshipps
In Obedience to your Lordshipps Command wee have Considerd the memorial annexed of Mr Yates and on Inquiry of the Comptroller of Bristol Mint are Informed & doe believe the seaverall Disburstments therein conteined amounting to: 9li: 14s: 2d to be reasonable and that the persons in the memoriall mentioned were Employed about one year & halfe and wee think may very well deserve the seaverall Allowances for the purposes therein Expressed the service being performed as wee are Informed for the Benefitt of the publique & generall satisfaction of the particular persons concerned
All which wee humbly submitt to your Lordspps
Is Newton
Tho Neale
Fran: Berisford pro Comtrollers
[1][1] Mint Office 20 Augt 98