Copy of letter from "P. B." concerning his appeal for a pardon
May 8th 1714
May it Please Your Honour.
This Day in the Gazette from Tuesday April the 27 to Saturday May 1st: 1714 I had the good fortune to meet with an Answer of a Letter Directed to the Most Honourable the Lord High Treasurer of Great Britaine Relating to Matters of certain Discoverys for the preservation of the Current Coin of this Kingdom, and therein I am Ordered to Attend your Honours for that Purpose.
But in Regard I have Run great Hazards by Conversing with some persons concerned in that sort of Evil practice though only to find the Depth of that Matter purely to Arme myself with such Knowledge that may be serviceable the better to make out and Compleate what I have proposed & if Encouraged it will putt an End to all those things for Ever.
Therefore I hope it will not be thought unreasonable that I shall Desire my Pardon for all things that I have both seen and known in those Matters, before I give my Attendance since I have ventured hard for no other End then to serve my Native Country and that without charge if I shall be Encouraged so to Doe.
Att the sight of which pardon I shall be ready to give my attendance but not till some days after by Reason of Distance and will make out that which will be satisfactory to your Honours and to all good & Well meaning people.
Your Honours Most Obedient Servant
P–: B.
To the Honorable Sr. Is. Newton
at her Majestys Mint in the Tower
of London.