
To the most Honourable the Lord High Treasurer of Great Britain

The Memorial of Henry Smithson

Humbly sheweth

That the said Henry Smithson hath been for near 14 years imployed by the late & present Warden of the Mint in the apprehending & prosecuting such persons as are charged with high Treason for counterfeiting the current Coyn of the Kingdom & others for uttering & paying the same.

That He the said Smithson hath done her Majesty & the Nation considerable service in the Imployment & Trust aforesaid as will appear by several Certificates under the hands of Persons of Honour & Reputation and to which are ready to be laid before your Lordship.

That several Persons imprisond in divers parts of the Kingdom on the account aforesaid have been lately discharged for want of a due prosecution although strong Informations have been given on Oath against them.

That he the said Smithson having a great many Informations against Persons in divers parts of the Kingdom who are carrying on the pernicious <65> Trade of false Coining with impunity (an account of which is also ready to be laid before your Lordship) He applyed himself sometime before the last Assizes to the present Warden to give him an Account of the same By whom he was referred to his Deputy Mr Richard Barrow who told the said Smithson on his application to him That he the said Barrow had not received a shilling so would not disburse a shilling to carry on any such prosecutions But they must drop.

That the said Smithson hath the Honour to be known by Sir Isaac Newton and having not long since waiting on him about the matters aforesaid, Sir Isaac was pleased to declare his consent and readiness to advance to the present Warden (by way of Impress) money sufficient to carry on the said prosecutions. And tho' there is a considerable sum of money due to the said Smithson as may appear by the Account hereunto annexed Yet the said Warden takes no notice or care thereof or of the said Informations.


All which is ready to be attested on Oath by the said Henry Smithson And is most humbly submitted by him to Your Lordships great wisdom & Iustice


An Account of the Charges & Expences of Henry Smithson in the pursueing taking & apprehending severall notorious false Coyners beginning in Ianry 1710.

Charges & Expences for my self, Assistants & Horses in the pursuing
& taking of Eliza. Metcalfe, Francis Buckle, Wm Sturdy, Mr Francis
Baker & Mr Hunter with others on suspicion, of whom Eliz. Metcalfe was
convicted & executed & others find & imprisond vizt Ann Buckle, John Harcount
& Ionathan Warwick
} 13. 09. 10
Ditto in pursuing and taking Tho. Kid & Wife, Richard Hamond (who made his
escape into Ireland by a Constables neglect) & still pursuing after Francis
Buckle by Order with three Assistants & Horsehire for above two months (Kid &
his Wife were made Queens Evidence at York)
} 11. 06. 08
Ditto in pursuit of Benedict Errington four years having a special Warrant
& Order for the same he being Outlaw'd; Nine pounds of this was paid as
encouragement to other men employd by order as can be prov'd
} 32. 11. –
Ditto in pursuit taking and prosecuting John Westwood 3. 19. 04
Paid for the prosecution of John Horseman & Hen. Robinson (the one died in
Gaol & the other sent for a souldier
} 6. 9. 6
Remaining due from the late Deputy Warden on a stated Account at Lancaster 5. –. –
Left to the said Deputy at Abberforth in Yorkshire 2. 3. –
Paid to John Thompson by Ditto's Order 10. –. –
84. 19. 4
Due by a Bill of Particulars lately deliver'd to the Warden 10. 18. 2
Total 95. 17. 6

[1] March 25. 17134

[2] Your Lordships Commands may be directed to the said Smithson to be left with Sir Isaac Newton

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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