
To the Right Honourable the Lords &c.

May it Please your Lordships.

In Obedience to your Lordships Order of Reference of the 17 of the last Month upon the Bills hereunto Month upon the Bills hereunto annexed of of Mr. John Roos His Majestys late Engraver of Publick seals, Wee humbly Report to your Lordships, that Wee have considered & Examined the same, and do find by the Perusal of the several Warrants He has Produced to us That His Majesty has directed the making of the several seals in the said Bills mentioned, and by several certificates and Receipts it appears that they were delivered to the Respective the Weight Expressed in the Bills.

We further humbly certifye to your Lordships that Wee have Examined the Prices and Rates of the said seal and find them to be the same with those allowed to the said Mr. Roos for the like seal Engraved in Her late Majestys Reign, and with those paid both to his Predecessor Mr. Harris and to Mr. East Ingraver to His Majesty King James. And as it appears to us upon Examining the Impressions of the said seals, and upon comparing them with the former that the Worke now performed by Mr. Roos is good, Wee are humbly of opinion He may deserve the Prices sett down in his Bill.

All which is most humbly submitted to your Lordships great Wisdom

R. Sandford

Is. Newton

Mint office the 27 August 1716.

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