
At the Court at St. James's the 17th. day of
Aprill 1702.


The Queens Most excellent Majesty in Councill.

It is this day Ordered by her Majesty in Councill that the Master of her Majesty's Mint do cause to be made and prepared the number of three hundred Medalls of Gold, and the Number of twelve hundred medalls of silver of her Majesty according to the Pattern presented so and approved by her Majesty, The value of each of the Meddalls of Gold and silver to be the same as at the last Coronation. The said Medalls to be dilvered by the Master of the Mint to the Earl of Bradford treasurer of her Majesty's Household to be distributed by his Lordship at her coronation.

Edward Southwell

Lett the Master and Worker of her Majetie's Mint take care that the Number of Medalls above mentioned be prepared and delivered as by the above written Order of Councill is directed Cock pitt Treasury Chambers 21th. Aprill 1702.

Ste: Fox

H. Boyle

Richd Hill

Th. Pelham

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