Copy of Newton's response to Leonard Blofield's petition for £2,497.16s.3d. allegedly owed him by Anthony Redhead on behalf of the Norwich Mint
To the Right Honourable the Lord High Treasurer of England.
May it please Your Lordshipp
In obedience to your Lordshipps Reference of 23th. Novr. last we have enquired into the Case of Mr Anthony Redhead late Master + Worker of the Mint at Norwich + find it truely stated in the annexed paper on which the said Reference is endorsed, And whereas Mr. Redhead in Discharge of a Debt of 2497li: 16s: 03d owing to Mr. Leonard Blofield a Receiver of Land Taxes in Norfolk produces three Receipts for 2500li: paid out of that Mint to Mr. Blofields Order we find that those Receipts are in the form of private Receipts so that they cannot be allow'd by an Auditor in Mr. Redheads Accompts. If any thing be due upon them it is to be recover'd in a Court of Iustice by Mr. Redhead or by him or them who shall answer Mr. Redheads Debt to her Majesty, But upon examining the matter we are humbly of opinion for the reasons especially reported in another annexed paper that the mony paid upon those Receipts hath been accounted for + endorsed upon the printed Mint Ticketts + that the Receipts are thereby voyd + should have been Cancell'd, + Mr. Redhead himselfe insists not peremptorily on them but submitts them to your Lordships Wisdome.
Wee humbly Conceive therefore that for bringing these matters to an Issue the accompts of the Country Mints should be passed without regard to these Receipts + Mr. Neale set in super, and we further lay before your Lordship that Mr. Redhead at the Conclusion of that Mint was indebted to Mr. Chaplyn a Receiver of Land Taxes for 2573oz. 5dwt.. of Hammer'd Mony at 5s. per ounce the summe of 643: 6: 3 and that in Mr. Chaplyn's account which is past + declared + a Quietus obteyn'd, Mr. Redhead is sett in super for this Debt at 5s. 8d per ounce whereas Mr. Neale should have been sett in super + that only at 5: per ounce and that Mr. Blofields accompt is now passing
All which is most humbly submitted &c
Is: Newton
[1][1] Ianry. 15th. 1702