Copy of letter outlining the use of plate brought into the Mint
To the Right Honourable The Early of Oxford & Earl Mortimer: Lord High Treasurer of Great Britain
May it please your Lordship
In obedience to your Lordships verbal order I humbly lay before your Lordship an account of the Plate brought into the Mint. The receipts given for Plate brought into the Mint before the 15th. of May amount unto 48845£: 11sh. 8d. & the Plate was melted into 189 Ingotts & made 14640 pound weight 01oz.: 12dw: 6gr. of standard silver besides what remaines in the sweep.
The Receipts given for Plate brought into the Mint from the 15th. May to the 19th. of Iune Inclusive amounts unto 26564£: 18{sh}: 6d: & the Plate was melted into 97 Ingotts & made 7940 pound weight 04oz: 8dwt: 01gr of standard silver after the rate of 5sh: 2d per ounce will make 24615{£}: 2sh: 8d: of new moneys which being deducted from the summe of the receipts leave a loss of 1949£: 15sh: 10d
There have been brought into the Mint since the 19th Iune 3620oz: 10dwt of Plate of the old standard of 1500: ounces of Plate of the new, which after the rate of 5sh. 5d: old & 5sh: 8d: new will amount unto 1405£: 11sh: 00d & the silver will make about 1300 pounds of new money in Tale. But this is not yet melted or are any Receipts given for it excepting for about 300: ounces I pray your Lordships directions whether this Plate shall be coined or returned to the owners.
The silver to be got out of the sweep will exceed all charges relating to the first melting & if your Lordship pleases to allow the matter after the rate of 5sh. per Ingott for battering the silver to fitt it for the melting Pott & for melting it & making up the sweep (which I account a very moderate allowance) I shall be able to state the whole account to your Lordship so soon as the sweep is made up & the coinage finished.
[1]All which is most humbly submitted to your Lordships
great wisdom
Is. Newton.