Copy of order to produce coin bearing particular arms
These are to signyfye unto you His Majestys Please that the Royal Armes to be Impressed on His Majestys Coin or Money as well Gold as Silver, are to be Marshalled, as the same are Delineated in the Draughts hereunto Annexed which were approved of by the King in Council, the 6th: of December last, since which His Majesty having been pleased to Direct the Words F.D. for Fidei Defensor to be added at the End of the Circumscription on the Head side, and 1715 instead of 1714 on the Reverse, You and the Other Officers of His Majestys Mint now, and for the time being, are to take due Notice thereof and Conform to His Majesty's Pleasure therein Accordingly; And for so doing this shall be your Warrant. Given under my Hand and Seal the 10th. day of January in the First years of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, George by the Grave of God King of Great Britain &ca. Anno Dni. 17.
Suffolk. M.
To the Master, Warden, Comptroller
and other Officers of His Majestys Mint.