Copy of authorisation to defray the charges of a dinner for the jury at the trial of the pix
After Our Hearty Commendations Wee do hereby Authorize and Impower You to Defray the Charges of a Dinner for the Iury at the approaching Triall of the Pix Out of any the Moneys remaining in your hands for the use and service of His Majestys Mint Taking care that the charge thereof in all particulars do nott exceed the sum of thirty six pounds And this shall be as well to you as to the Auditors for allowing thereof upon your Account a sufficient Warrant
Whitehall Treasury Chambers 24th: day of August 1716.
R. Walpole
Wm. St. Quintin
R: Edgcumbe
To Our very Loving Freind Sir Isaac
Newton Knight Master & Worker of
His Majestys Mint