Copy of letter to the Chester Mint desiring that any money owed to importers be paid
To the Officers of the Mint at Chester
The Lords of the Treasury being very that {a} complaint may be made by any Importers whatever for non{-}payment of their money, when it shall come due, & out in cou{rse} to be paid: Vpon our representation to their Lordshipps of the greate clamour that will certainly arise if my private Importer should happen to be left unpaid; have given Vs for the use & purpose aforesaid 1600£ for the Mint at Chester to be employd for the paying such Importers only; & not to be used for any otehr purpose whatever 'tis all in Exchequer bills & could not be otherwise. Now it must be your care & skill, & Wee hereby direct You to use it, to turne these bills into money, by getting the Receivers to take them: & to make them more willing so to doe, You are to let them know how much 'twill be for the publick service; & satisfaction of the Lords of the Treasury that the private Importers be actually payd in Money And You must also tell them, that the Money they ley you have of them is to be kept for, & paid to, privat{e} Importers only: And Wee cannot but be of opinion that the Receivers will doe what they can for the reasons aforesaid to comply with this publick service
And for what more will be wanting Wee shall sollicite, as there is occasion: & the greate reading Wee find in the Lords to gratify Importers & avoyd clamour makes Vs not doubt; but the other deficienys, when they can be ascertained will be provided by their Lordshipps in due time. Soe recommending this matter once more to your prudence
[1]Wee are your Loving Friends
Is Newton
[2]Tho Neale
Tho Molyneux
Charles Mason