Copy of letter directs the clerks and under-servants at the Mint at Chester to show respect to the head officers and wear neither hat nor sword
There haveing been Complaint Made to the Right Honourable the Lords of the Treasury that divers quarrells have arisen between severall of the Officers of the Mint at Chester & that Respect due to the chief Officers there has not as it ought to been shewd by the Clerks and under Officers there and it being the Custome of the Mint at London that no Vnder clerk or servant should wear either Hatt or sword in the Mint Office These are to direct & require the Clerks and under servants at the Mint at Chester to give due attendance and respect to the Head officers and conforme their behaviour to the Custome of the London Mint as aforesaid as so directed this 3d of February 169 by
Is Newton
Tho: Neale
Tho Molyneux