Copy of letter to the Chester Mint containing order relating to the closure of that Mint and payment of its debts
To the Warden Master Worker & Comptroller
of the Mint at Chester
Seeing by all the Accounts we have from your Mint that you have Coyn'd up all you coul'd of the severall Importations you have had since the Last act of Parliament & considering that what remaines unpaid in your Mint must be made good out of the severall summes the Parliament hath voted for the discharge of your Debts, which will be given us out of some supply that shall be granted to the King before the House doth rise. This is therefoer to require, direct & order you to take upp all your Tooles, Engines, & Vtensills, & pack them Vpp as soone as you can, & by the next opportunity you have to send them by sea, directed to us at the Mint in the Tower; The Monyers knowing best what is fitt to be sent upp, have already received Orders from their Provost here, to secure all their Tooles, of which yu must be sure to take an Account & transmitt it to us as soone as they are shipp'd off. The old Iron unfitt for use you may dispose of there & likewise the Wood of your presses & Mills, & give us the creditt for the same in your Bookes. In mentioning the Tooles above, Wee meane {n}ott only what the Monyers have in their hands, but likewise what the Melter & Assay Master have, & generally all that has been sent from hence, & what the King has paid for. Your Bookes, Pix Box's {a}nd dyes both good & badd, you may Naile upp in a box by themselves {&} sent them upp by the Carryers Remember to take Bills of Loading for {w}hat comes by sea, & agree for the Freight if you can conveniently {do}e itt, this we expect a Speedy complyance with, & soe remaine
Your Loving Friends
Is: Newton
Tho: Neale