Mary Miller: The Examination and Deposition of Mary Miller of Rupert Street within the parish of St James's Westminster Widow 19 July 1698
The Examination and Deposition of Mary Miller of Rupert street within the parrish of St. James' Westminster Widdow taken this 19th. day of Iuly 1698
Who saith that about a fortnight ago this Informant was at the Crown & Scepter in St. Andrews street near the Dyall Monument in the New Buildings near Monmoath street in the parish of St. Gyles in the Fields and did then and there {see} one Mr. Ball now in custody and another man with him did then send for this Informant up stairs and told her that they understood by the people of the house that she was reduced to poverty: but they could put this Informant in away whereby she might be serviceable to them and he{r}self and get some money by it and thro Deponent enquiring what the buissines was they would have her be concerned in the said Mr. Ball and other person replyed and said they would have this Deponent to go into the countrey and put off counterfeit Spanish pistoles for them and this Deponent told them that she had noe clothes that were fitt to wear in the countrey one of the said persons said that they would procure her clothes but this Deponent did then refuse to accept of the said offer and the said Mr. Ball hath severall times since been very desirous to have this Deponent to be concerned in putting off Counterfeit Spanish pistoles for him but she still denyed to be any way concerned in such a practise but this Informant being twice sent for to her Lodging to go to the said Crown and Scepter did go thither where she found the said Mr. Ball who said he had sent for this Deponent and that he had staid 5 hours for her and then very earnestly impost{ure} this Deponent to put off some Counterfeit Spanish pistoles{ for}{se} him and said that he had not a farthing of money to help himself with and this Deponent told the said Ball that she had no body to vend the said pistoles except one person and that person lived in Smithfield where upon the said Ball gave this Deponant two Counterfeit pistoles to this Deponents said Friend and said he would allow them at 7s, apiece and ordered this Deponent either to bring the 14s. for the 2 pistoles or the pistoles againe and this Deponent did imediatly go with the said Counterfeit pistoles to one Mrs Saker in Smithfield and shewed them to her and the said Mrs. Saker ordered this Deponent to bring her 20 of such Counterfeit pistoles the next day but bid her get them as cheap as she could for that she believed they wanted of weight and kept one of the two pistoles to try what it weighed and lent this Informant half a Crown to give the said Ball to pay his recconing but when the Deponent returned back to the said Crown and Scepter the said Ball was gone away and had left word (as the Landlady of the house told the Deponent that he would have her meet him there this morning to give him an account what she had done who accordingly mett the said Ball at the said house this morning and there was in company a woman the Deponent believes the person now in custody who went away and this Deponent and the said Ball went in order to meet the said Mrs. Saker and this Deponent askt him for the pistoles but he refused to let her have them because as she said she was a stranger to him therefore he must have some money before he parted with them but if she brought 40s. from her friend for them he would let her have them and her friend might take as many of them as she pleased at 5s. apiece She went to Mrs. Saker and returned presently with her to an alehouse by Smithfield where the said Ball was and told him to let her have the Gold ready to look at for the said Mrs Saker had 40s. ready to give him So he the said Ball pulled out the paper with the pistoles now produced and gave them to this Deponent and as she was giving them to Mrs. Saker Mr Saker with others came into the room and took the said pistoles out of this Informants hand an apprehended her and the said Ball
Mary Miller