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The further Information of Mary Miller taken upon oath this 5th day of August 1698

Who sayth that day that Francis Ball was apprehended and in custody of Mr. Soager and others, as they were going with him the said Ball to Newgate he desired this Deponent to go to one Mr Whitfield to desire him to stand for One of his Bail this Deponent replyed and said that it was too late to get him bayled that night and askt the reason why he did not send for Whitfield that morning and the said Ball bid this Deponent tell Whitfield that the blanks for the Counterfeit Spanish pistoles were cast out of Crown pieces in Whitfields <6v> house and stampt and guilded at another place and therefore he would not send for him in the morning lest his (Whitfields) house should have been searched and Materialls found therein and the said Ball further said that he would have Whitfield get him bayled the next day for fear worse came on it. And this Informant afterwards telling the said Whitfield what Ball had said the said Whitfield replyed and said the Blanks for the said Counterfeit Pistoles were not made in his house but put case they were he did not value what any Iustice of peace could do to him for that, for they might kiss his Arse for they could not hurt him for it and the said Whitfield and his wife called this Deponent scurrilous Names and said she had betrayed the said Ball on purpose and threatned her they would be revenged on her if it cost them a hundred pounds

And this Deponent farther sayth that one Margery Johnson who was but this very day released out of Newgate came this Evening to this Deponent and told her that she this Deponent had been the occasion of Mr. Whitfields being taken up this day by telling of a false Drawer of his that he used to put false money in and she the said Margery Johnson said that she would stand by Whitfield for he had been her particular Friend and therefore would hinder the Deponent's comeing or appearing against him at the sessions by getting Badd mon'y and swearing she had it of this Informant.

The Deponent further saith that Whitfield said he brought her acquainted with Mr. Ball aforesaid with an intent to do her good for that she this Informant might had gott 10. per week by puting off CounterfeitSpanish pistoles. for that a particular Friend of his (Whitfield's) had putt off that day 3 counterfeit pistoles at the full value

Mary Miller.


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[2] Iurat die et anno preedict coram Is Newton

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