Fragment of the deposition of Sarah Cletor
in Holborn and Price said he would not medle with {illeg} afterwards came to the Examinants house to see a specimen of it but the Examinant had none of it to she him she saith also that the said smith hath sometymes mett a Certain Doctoor of Physick at the Butt Ale house in Kings street in Bloomsbury: which Doctor is a fatt short man with one Legg swelled beggar then the other and last wednesday about 12 o'clock the said mr. smith shewed the Examinant a parcell of Counterfeit Milld money (shillings shalf Crowns and Crowns) and said that it was for the said Doctor whose name was Young. And being then sent for by a boy whose names was James went out with the money to the Doctor and returned without it and after his return told her that he had now gotten a very good Customer and that he {was} to 50ll. more but that he wanted a Convenient place to make it, and the Deponent asking how his friend disposed of it he replyed that the Doctor had a friend either in the Bank or Exchequer who could fling it into a room full of money and that it should never rise up against him any more. She sayth also that Mr Smith told her that the Doctor would let him have 20ll. to go to work with and that Dr Young and Mr Smith have been long concerned together but after what manner she knows not she saith also that coming once (Viz about a month ago) up into his room she saw a Charcoale Fire in the Chimney and 2 long hoopes of Iron filled with a red stuff like Clay and on mrs. Hammings was in his company and with a wyer brush rubbed something which the Examinant took to be a shilling she saith also that Mrs. Hammings used to come to him frequently and that he told her that mrs Hammers workt with him she saith also that about a week ago Mr. Smith told her that Mrs. Hemmings had given him 12s to make 3ll of Counterfeit money off and that he shewed this Examinant the 12s. and said that he ought 40s to a Tallyman and mrs. Hemmings was to pay it and that last Saturday Mrs. Hemmings came for the said Counterfeit money and it was not made and thereupon she fell out with him She saith also that the said Mr Smith about a Month ago carryed away some coyning Tools in a bagg but whether he carryed them this Examinant knows not And that on Saturday last he comeing to the Examinants house brought in his {bosam} under his Coat a bagg of Tools and gave it to the Examinant and bid her carry them to mrs. Cramps and call for a pott of Drink and leave them there which the Examinant did but what was in the bag the Examinant did not know but the next day in the morning being the {Fri}day She went with Mr Legat and Mr. Snow to the said Mrs. Cramps house on the backwise of Red Lyon Square and shewed mr. Legatt where the bagg was hid for whilst mrs. Cramp fetcht a pot of beer this Examinant had it at her beds foot and when Mr Legat took it from thence and opened it she saw in it some Counterfeit money and two Instruments of Brass and some other things which she supposes {Some} might use in coyning