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The Deposition of Samuel Bond of Ashbourn in the peake in the County of Derby Chyrurgeon 16 7ber 1698

Hee sayth that about a month ago being in Newgate for Debt he there heard Francis Ball of Ashbourn aforesaid complain of the Warden of the mint for his severity against Coyners and say Damne my blood I had been out before now but for him (meaning out of Newgate) and Whitfield who was also then in prison made answer that the Warden of the mint was a Rogue and if ever King James came againe he would shoot him and the said Ball made answer God dam my blood so will I and tho I dont know him yet I'le find him out And the said Whitfield said further that the Warden had troubled his wife for a litle bitt of Clippings found upon her coat and spend 5 hundred Gineas to get her off – and that about 3 or 4 days after this the said Ball and Whitfield having procured an habeas Corpus in order to be bailed before my Lord Chiefe Iustice Holt he this Deponent heard the said Ball say that his father was to be one of their bayle and went by a wrong name and that their bayle was sham bayle and that the said Ball and Whitfield in talking to one another sayd that the guilding of pistoles cost the 6d. or 7d. a piece and that it was not the buisines of the Warden of the mint but of the Spanish Embassador to prosecute men for counterfeiting them

Sam Bond


Mr. Bond lodges at Mr Storys a Taylor in Glasshouse yard in BlackFryers

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[2] Iurat die et anno prædict coram
Is Newton

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