Edward Ivy/Jones: The Examination of Edward Ivy alias Jones late of London 17 May 1698
The Examination of Edward Ivy {alias} {also} Jones late of in London Gent taken before me the 17th day of May 1698
Who being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists and examined sayth that he has been acquainted with John Jennings Gent in England upwards of five years which said Jennings was once Footman to the Late Duke of Monmouth that the said Jennings often came to the Deponents house in London, and about 4 years since came to his said house and walked with the Deponent in the Garden and took out a handfull of Guineas which this Deponent took to be Current. That the said Jennings desired this Examinent to utter as many of the said Guineas (being about 100) as the examinent could and particularly desired to take one hundred of the said Guineas the Deponent looking on the said Guineas shewn to him told the said Jennings that he believed they were good and so they seemed to this Deponent untill that the said Jennings offered to sell them to the Deponent for 12 or 14s. a piece and desired the Examinent then to take one hundred of them and utter them That this Examinent seeing the said Guineas told the said Jennings that the said Guineas exceeded any that chaloner made whereupon the said Jennings replyed that Chaloner was a fool to him that made the said Guineas who was a person that lived near Hampton Court and was near neighbour to the said Jennings and named his name being the son of a Widdow woman but the Examinent forgetts the name, and said that he and the other person joyned stocks togeather and had a {Convenient} house for coyning and desired the Deponent to put in a hundred pounds into the stock and to come sharer with them, he likewise told the Examinent that he used to utter them in the countrey in exchange for a pint of Wine and likewise desired the Deponent to go into the countrey with him to utter the said Guineas Sayth that the said Jennings when this Examinent knew him was a marryd man and lived with his wife near Hampton Court which said wife the Examinent believes is still living that when the said Jennings offered the said Counterfeit Guineas to this Examinent to pass Elizabeth Jones widdow was present the Examinent further deposeth that he has known Edward Brady late of St. Anne parish in London upwards of 4 years past that the said Brady made it his constant business to utter counterfeit Guineas and counterfeit English money that the Deponent has severall tymes seen him utter such false Coyn and the said Brady told the Deponent that he had the said Counterfeit money from one Cogswell and from a Dr. that lived at the Glass house in Lambeth and as the Deponent believes from one Chaloner that this Deponent believes that the said Brady has uttered to the Value of severall thousand pounds in Counterfeit Gold and Silver he having practised it for severall years past that this Deponent is very well assured that John Gibbons now porter at Whitehall Gate very well knows the truth of what the Deponent now deposeth (as to the said Brady{)} to be true That one Jacob a Goldsmith that lived in {Sho} Lane used to buy the filings of Clipt money and Clippings from severall clippers that one Price a Watchmaker that lived near Charing Cross used to make the Tooles for edging Counterfeit Guineas Says that the said Gibbons corresponds with a great many Clippers and Coyners and used to receive severall summs of money from them as contribution for coniving at them and was wont to solicit for any of them when they were in restraint That this Deponent very well knew one Samuel Jackson in England who was a clipper & Coyner the cause of the Deponents knowledge is that the said Jackson lodged in the Deponents house in London but he hears that the said Jackson is latly come into this Kingdom togeather with George Emerson Joseph Houston and other Eminent Coyners + Clippers from England who the Deponent believes go by other names in this Kingdom. Saith that John Hicks late of Litle Chelsea in England and his wife Mary Hicks and his daughter Mary Huelt were eminent Clippers in London having seen them often clip English shillings half Crowns and Crowns all Milld money. Saith that he very well knows one Chaloner who lived near Charing Cross and used to coyn Gold pistoles and Guineas and this Deponent likewise knoweth one William Deane that belongs to the Royall Oak Lottery in London to have been a clipper and coyner, he likewise knoweth Thomas Deane of London to be a Clipper. And further deposeth that he the said Brady is a Highwayman and that Gibbons used to furnish him with horses to go abroad to robb
Edward Ivie
[2]Edwd Ivie