Charles Berdoe: The Deposition of Charles Berdoe of the parish of St Marys at Hill near Billingsgate Cheesemonger 6 July 1698
The Deposition of Charles Berdoe of the par of St. Mary at Hill near Billingsgate Cheesmonger 6 Iuly 1698
He saith that about 5 weeks ago on mr. Butler being in company with the Deponent and Mr. Molins a Founder near the old Change represented to them that he had given bayle for his stay in England but his bail was expiring and he must given in fresh security and for that end desired the Deponent and Mr. Molins to lend him 50s. or 3℔ upon his Note but the Deponent cannot possitively affirm that the said money was for the Secretary of state to whom he was to give the bayle
Charles Berdoe