<18r> [1]

The Deposition of Wm. Molins of Bread street near the old Change Founder 6th. Iuly 1698

That about a month or 5 weeks ago being at the popes head Tavern in Exchange allay with one Mr Charles Berdoe and Mr Butler the said Mr Butler said that the security he had given to the Secretary was expiring and that he was to give fresh security and that a Certain persons who was then present in the habbitt of a Countrey man was to be his bail and that about 2 or 3 dayes after the same persons except the Countreyman being togeather again at the Queens head Tavern beyond Temple Barr the said Mr. Butler said to Mr. Berdoe & the Deponent that for a certain favour he was doing them he desired noe gratification but has was giving fresh Security to the Secretary for his liberty to stay in England <18v> and desired them to lend him 50s. or 3 upon his Note to enable him to do it for if he did not that night he should be excluded, The Deponent sayth also upon Sunday last he was told by a man servant of Dr. Stringer and a Lodger at the Doctors house that Mr. Butler above mentioned had been a day or 2 before at the house of the said Dr Stringer and advised them to remove all their effects lest the King should levie upon them and to give the Deponent notice to get out of the way

Wm. Molins


[1] 41

[2] Capt die et anno predict
coram Is Newton

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