Joseph Hampton: The Information of Joseph Hampton of Dudley in the county of Worcester Smith 30 July 1698
The Information of Ioseph Hampton of Dudley in the County of Worcester Smith 30 Iuly 1698
Who saith that in May last this Informant saw on Mr. Macon who lives near Lemster in the County of Hereford counterfeit the Current Coyn of this Kingdom by stamping about five Counterfeit shillings at one Mr. Edward Iones's shop in {Burrison} in the County of Salop
That severall times in Aprill and May last the said Edwd Iones did in the presence of this Deponent counterfeit the Current Coyn of this Kingdom by stamping of Counterfeit shillings and six pences in his own shop at {Burrison} aforesaid.
That severall times in April and May last one William of this Informant counterfeit the Current Coyn of this Kingdom by stamping of counterfeit shillings and six pences at the shop of his brother Edward Iones aforesaid.
Iones brother to the said Edward Iones did in the presenceThat in December last one Thomas Drew of Cradley in the County of Salop Naylor did in the presence of this Deponent in the parish of Dudley aforesaid pay away false money and counterfeit money for good and did then declare to this Informant that he made it himself and would have had this Informant to have gone with him into Wales to have made false money with him
That in April and May last one Ioseph Pearce of Ludlow in Shropshire Ironmonger bought severall summs of Counterfeit money of this Informant and the said Edwd. Iones and had after the rate of 30s. of Counterfeit money for 20s of good money