Robert Saker: The Deposition of Robert Saker of the parish of St Sepulchres 29 November 1698
The Deposition of Robt. Saker of the parish of St. Sepulchres Landed Gentry taken this 29 day of Novr. 1698
Who saith that on Sunday last by the Information of Eliz Bacon now in custody this Deponent with others searched a house in Golden Lane in the parish of St. Gyles Criplegate without London and then and there found in the back Garret of the said house a pair of stamps or Dyes for shillings and that by the Information of Eliz Bacon + Edward Bacon her husband is now a prisoner in Newgate he this Deponent with others did likewise search a house in Shandois street and did find the fore Garret of said house another pair of Dyes or stamps for making shillings
Robt. Saker