John Bates: Untitled, 24 October 1698
John Bates being examined this 24 day of October 1698 says that Thomas Bodily Watchmaker and Goldsmith living in Stourbridge about a year and since did at Stourbridge make the Nicks of an Edging Mill for shillings and made a Set of Letters for edging half Crowns and likewise in this Deponents sight guilded over a broad piece counterfeit xxs and passed the same away in his sight and did at the same time guild over a counterfeit French pistoll but what he did with it this Examinant knows not also that William Trowman of Dudley parish near the Newpool Naylor about May last was 12 month did make and cast about 6 or 7 shillings in 6 pences Groats and 3 pences of the new Milld money and did see him in Derbyshire about 3 yeares since made old half Crownes and shillings and clip much old money and melt down the Clippings and has been concerned in the Matter of clipping and counterfeiting money about 14 or 15 yeares in Worcestershire Staffordshire and Derbyshire he keeping a considerable Farm in Derbyshire to colour the matter and has been concerned in that Trade with (as this Examinant believes) at least 100 persons also that Thomas Drew living in Hales parish near Sturbridge in Cradley Naylor about 10mber last brought to this Examinant at his own house a new pair of Dyes which he said John Harvey made and did there coyn 5 counterfeit shillings and on last Whitson Munday brought this Examinant 5 or 6 counterfeit pieces to be milld which he milld at this Examinants house and afterwards coyned at Joseph Greens shop (as he told this Examinant_ and Drew knows that John Harvey and William Harvey made Edging Mills and Dyes and afterwards coyned with them also that Adam Clempson of Woolverhampton used the same Trade in like manner many yeares past Also that William Johnson late apprentice of Adam Clempson living in the house wherein he was so apprentice had about 3s. new money to put off for gain
John Bate