Letter from Isaac Wallington to Isaac Newton
A Copy of a Letter sent to Is. Newton Es
The Bearer hereof Mr Gail an Inhabitant of our Towne will inform you the particular Circumstances wee have reason to suspect some persons to be guilty of coyning two of them Sadler and his son in Law are now in Ely Gaol but the chief of their Gangue one Thornton to whom the box is directed which I have no in my custody and full of Implements and Materialls for coynage is now a London and her sent a Letter to Sadler which Mr. Woodham the keeper of Ely Gaol intercepted and hoping to make a fuller discovery have sent Gale and Woodham up to London to endeavour the taking up of Thornton whom Gale knows very well I shall be very glad if they have the good fortune to meet with him by which means wee may hope to get a further light into those Villainous practises and do some services to our Countrey I am
[2]your most humble servant
Isaac Wallington