Samuel Clark: The Information of Samuell Clark of the parish of Northfield in the county of Worcester Clockmaker 25 April 1699
The Information of Samuell Clark of the parish of Northfield in the County of Worcester Clockmaker taken this 25 day of Aprill 1699
Who saith that about a year and three quarters ago one John Dee and Robert Dee his son both of the parish of Hardwick in the said County of Worcester Millers did with the assistance of this Informant make an Engine for edging of Crowns half Crowns Shillings and sixpences and this Informant did about the same time see the said John Dee and Robert Dee counterfeit the Current Coyn of this Kingdom by casting Crowns half Crownes and shillings and edged the same with the Engine aforesaid in the said parish of Hardwick
That one Humphrey Honesty of the parish of Halesowen in the County of Salop Naylor did about five years ago in the said parish of Halesown Counterfeit the Current Coyn of this Kingdom by casting shillings Groats and three pences in imitation of Milld money
Samll. Clark