<108r> [1]

The Information of Martha Tanner of the parish of St. Gyles in the Fields in the County of Middlesex 2d. September 1699

Who saith that Mr. Hughes who is now in custody did buy severall quantityes of old counterfeit money and gave after the rate of 29s. of good money for 40s. of counterfeit money and that the Informant hath seen the said Hughes put or pay the same away into his Majestys Exchecquer as good money and this Informant doth believe that the said Mr. Hughes did buy + pay away the said counterfeit money as aforesaid about 4 yeares ago and that about a month ago she heard one Roger Bentley who lives in the said parish of St. Gyles (and buyes old Clothes and ends of Gold and Silver) say that he the said Hughes would give 8d for a counterfeit shilling rather then go without it

Martha Tanner


[1] 223

[2] Iurat et
     Is Newton

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