Thomas Bartram: The Deposition of Thomas Bartram of Round Court near Thieving Lane in Westminster Chyrurgeon 17 May 1699
The Deposition of Thomas Bartram of Round Court near Thieving Lane in Westminster Chyrurgeon 17 May 99
He saith that Thomas Sherman & his wife who about 4 or 5 yeares ago were tryed at the old Bayly for clipping the current Coyn of this Realme & now live in Round Court aforesaid were about a year & ago in a poor and wanting condition and had not in their house a bad to lye on except what was (in some part at least) borrowed but now they are reported by their Neighbours or some of them to have bought new furniture for their house and to have plenty of money so as to produce 50 Guineas at a time And the Deponent doth verily suspect that they have thus enricht themselves either be receiving stoln goods or counterfeiting the current Coyn of the Kingdom or both they being reported to buy old things under the colour of a broker and to have a light sean in their house at unreasonable times of the night and there being a third person living in their house under the character of one who either makes Watches or does some work about them (as tis reported{)} and who may probably be a fitt Artist in assisting them to Coyn
Tho: Bartram