John Hooke: The Examination of and Deposition of John Hooke a Constable 18 February 1699
The Examination of Deposition of John Hooke Constable 11 February
Who saith that he having a warrant to apprehend Judith Camby now prisoner and others did apprehend the said Judith Camby yesterday and did then see pull'd out of her pocket a counterfeit shilling and six pence + a Key which opened a box wherein was found severall counterfeit 6pences now produced and that he did yesterday find in a room of the house where the said box lay a pair of Flaskes ready Moulded with the Impressions of shillings and sixpences in them with other Tooles and Vtensills for making of False money The house is situated near Shadwell Church by Ratcliff highway in the County of Middlesex
Ino Hooke