Anthony Fryer: The Examination of Anthony Fryer now in custody 23 December 1699
The Examination of Anthony Fryer sword Cutter now in custody 23 December 99
Saith that he hath been employed by one Humphrey Hanwell now in custody about a year and a half last past in filing Forkes and Spoones show Buckles and Sword hilts which the said Humphrey Hanwell used to cast and that this Examinant hath lodged in the house of the said Humphrey Hanwell about 7 or 8 weekes last past and that the said Humphrey Hanwell did likewise employ one George Scarlet now in custody in the said buisines with this Examinant but the said Scarlet did not lodge in Humphrey Hanwells house and that the said Hanwell did cast all his work himselfe in a Cellar upon the left hand going downstaires in the house of the said Humphrey Hanwell
Antho Fryer