Susanna Eccleston: The Information of Sussana Eccleston of Lockwood Yard in Saffron Hill in St Anns parish 10 October 1699
The information of Sussana Eccleston of Lockwood yard on Saffron Hill in St anns Parish widdow taken the 10 day of Octob: 1699
[1]She saith that about 9 or 10 days ago vizt on monday was a sennight she received of Mrs Coomby usually called Nurse coomby five shillings of counterfeit moneys shillings & Sixpences made in imitation of the Current coyn of this Kingdom for which she gave the said coomby half a crown of good money & that Last week she received of Mrs the Land-Lady of the house where the said Mr Coomby{'s} sister Lodges the Like sum of Five shillings & of counterfeit money in shillings and sixpences for which this deponent gave the said Land-Lady three shillings & Six pence of good money & the said Land-Lady told the Deponent that Mrs coomby sent her with the said five shillings of counterfeit money to her this Deponent.