John Marshall: The Information of John Marshall 21 January 1700/1
Middx } SsThe Information of John Marshall of Red Lyon Court drury Layn taken before Joseph Bennett Esquire one of his Majesties Justices of the peace for the County & Liberty aforesaid Jan. 1700
Who upon his Oath saith that about the hour of one or two of the Clock this same day there came to his Coffee house in Red Lyon Court in drury Layne the person now present calling himselfe by the name of James Massey (a Frenchman) with another person in a cloak, whose name is Maizey and call'd for a dish of Coffee a peice, after they had drank their Coffee, the Said Massey asked Mary the wife of this Examinant, to fetch him a bottle of Wine, and gave her a peice of false and counterfeit money, made in the likeness and Similitude of a good Spanish pistole, upon which the said Mary showing it to this Informant, he im̄ediately perceived it to be False, and questioning him how he came by it he said, he brought in out of France, but this Informant not beleiving what he said, would {have} him before a Contstable, in order to which he brought him to one Carew's a Constable in Drury layn at the door of whose house, he dropt a paper, in which paper there was another false and counterfeit peice of Money like unto a Spannish pistole. Jurat coram John Marshall Jos: Bennett
And the above said John Marshall further deposeth, that Searching the Roome of the Said Massey, he found in the Chimney upon ledge there, a leathern purse wherein was eight Sixpences and 13. shillings of counterfeit money of the currentt coyn of this Kingdome two counterfeit Lewis d'ores, & Severall counterfeit peices of Spanish Coyne Jur præ coram John Marshall Jos: Bennett.