Robert Mayor: The Information of Robert Mayor 21 January 1700/1
ditto SsThe Information of Robert Mayor taken upon oath this of Janry 1700.
Who saith that after John Marshall had apprehended one James Massey as the Said James was going into the house of Mr Carew the Constable in Drury layn, he saw the said James Massey dropp a paper at the door of the said Carew, which paper the said Carew took upp, and opening it found therin a peice of false and counterfeit Money made in the imitation, likeness and Similitude of a Spanish pistole, And further this Informant upon his Oath Saith, that he being present when the said Constable Search't the said Massey the Said Constable took out of one of his said breeches pocketts another paper, in which paper was also another such peice of Money which was false and Counterfeit as aforesaid. Jur coram me Robert Major Jos: Bennett.