Philip Roza: The Further Examination of Philip Roza aka Maizey 8 February 1700/1
Middx Ss The further Examination of Philip Roza alias Maizey taken the 8th day of Febr. 1700
Who upon his Oath sayeth that one Monsr. Michon a goldsmith at the end of Porter street next a Sword cutlers in Litchfeid Steet (call'd Rotau) gave instructions to James Mace now a prisoner in Newgait, for makeing and Gilding all sorts of Coyn, viz.t Spanish Pistoles French Louis d'ores English Guineas, Crowns Crowns, shills and Sixpences, and he knows that the Said Mace did often bring of every sort of the Said false coyn of Gold and Silver to the said Michon to utter & pay away, And the Said Michon furnished him the Said Mace with Severall Sorts of Ingredients and Materialls for the makeing more of such counterfeit coynes, And also the said Michon taught the said Mace to make a sort of Soulder, or Metall which would melt with a very Small heat, but would take the Impression of any coyn better than any other Mettall, & look well and continue So for a long time. And that he knows they have this corresponded for 3. or 4. months last past, and that they did agree to take a house of a small rent near So-ho-Square to work in, he the Said Michon haveing an Apprentice in his house whome he Suspected would discover them if they Workt at home, Hee sayes that he has seen the said Michon and Mace make Severall of the aforesaid coynes both foreign and English and Utter the same. He further saith that he knows one La Roch otherwise call'd le chevalliere, alias le Grand who keeps a woman call'd Mrs Smith and Lodgeth at one Mrs Medberries in the pell-mell on the Right hand going to St James's Street from the Haymarket about the Middle of the Pell-Mell and is at the Olive Tree, who likwise makes counterfeit Money and utters the Same and that Mrs Smiths maide is call'd betty who lodges at a French Shomakers house in Dukes Court next the blew pillars up two pair of Staires forward told this Examinant that the Said La Roche did counterfeit Gold and Silver coynes. He further saitt, that he hath seen a french man com̄only call'd by the name of Doctor, (who {Stittery}) makeing guieneas and Crowns both of the English coyn, but counterfeit, and one French louis d'or in the Garrott of this Examinants house in George Alley in the Strand And the Said Doctor told this Examinant that he had passed them all away, but sayes that he this Examinant never made any false money. but that if the Said Michou be taken he can discover above 20. of his accomplices if he pleaseth, and that the Doctor so called often useth Toms Coffee-house in St. Martins Layn, and frequently goes to a French Ministers house in the Mews at the Right hand as you enter into the Gait from Dukes Court. Philip Roza. Jurat coram me 8.vo Die Febij 1700. Jos. Bennett.