Thomas Noon: The Information of Thomas Noon 25 July 1701
Middx & Westmr } Ss The Information of Thomas Noon of the Parish of S.t Martin's in the fields taken upon Oath this July 1701.
Who saith that Ann Raymond alias Price (who now lodgeth in this Informants house) makes it her com̄on practice to buy Counterfeit Money, and to feague it over and then to pass it away for Good Money, and face vallue, and that she generally buys the said counterfeit money of the man that cry old Iron &c.t and that her cant for a Shilling is a Board, and she calls a half Crown a Slatt, and that she the Said Ann Raymond (alias price) has Severall times shew'd to this Informant the Counterfeit money aforesaid before it was feagu'd, and likewise has shewed to this Informant the Said money after it was feagu'd, and has own'd that she did it over her selfe, And that he this Informant hath seen the said Raymond have Severall times Counterfeit money in her Custody, as three, four, & five Shillings at a time.
Thomas his N mark Noon Jurat an̄ et die perdict coram me J. Stanley