Middx. Westmr. } Ss The Information of Joanna Thornton Widdow liveing near Nibb's Pound in the Parish of S.t Martin's in the feilds taken upon oath this 19.th day of November 1701.

Who saith that upon Satturday last was a month William Goslin (now in Custody) came to this Informants house & took a Garrott of her and barganed to pay her 12. pence a week for the same, And further Saith that upon the next Monday following Joanna the Wife of Samson Hodges came to this Informants house, to inquire if the said Goslin was within, and upon his comeing unto her they im̄ediately went forth togeather, And he said William Goslin returning, enquired of this Informant whether she had another Room to Lett, and at the same time he the said Goslin did recomend the aforesaid Samson Hodges & his Wide for lodgers to this Informant saying that he knew them to be honest people, and was well acquainted with them, whereupon she this Informant did entertain the said Samson & his Wife Joanna Hodges, and did let them a Room under that of the aforesaid William Goslin for 18d per week. And she further upon her Oath saith that the Said Sampson Hodges and Joanna his Wife did frequently be togeather in Goslins Rooms with him, and were very often useing this Informants Bellows and when she this Informant Sent a Girl (which she keeps) up Staires for the Said bellows, they would not Suffer the Child to go into the Room, but give her them out at the Stair-head, and hasten her all they could down Staires as the said Girl has told this Informant. And she further saith that she has observed one Antient Man in mean apparrell come Severall times to enquire after the Said Lodgers, but she this Informant doth not know his Name. And She further saith that when the Constable with other Persons came to Search her house, she went readily along with them into all the Roomes, and did See them take out of a hole behind an old Chest, which was in the Roome of William Goslin aforesaid Flasks ready Moulded to cast money there in, with some counterfeit money & Metall in an old fire pan (which she this Informant doth own to be hers) togeather with other Materialls which she this Informant knows not the use of only as she was told by the persons who Search't her house.                                              Joanna her O mark Thornton Capt & Jurat an̄ et die Suꝑdict coram John Tulley

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