John Gall: The Information of John Gall 18 July 1702
Middx ss The Examination of John Gall of the parish of St Giles is taken this 18th Day of July 1702.
Who saith that he buys counterfeit money of severall persons unknown and sells the same to one Smith a gold=smith att Smithfeild bars, and that he hath sold some counterfeit shillings to Blair-eyed Bess and one who they call past for 6d each shilling; and that John Stanhop doth Cry brass money in the Streets and he hath seen the Said Stanhop have counterfeit money in his hand, and that Nicholas Brown and Roger Bentley Thomas Smith and Jane Marshall and Tho King Thomas Honard Charles Howard and one Mr Wise do all of them buy counterfeit money and this Examinant further saith that he hath sold counterfeit money to one Mrs Raymond and that Richd: Bentley doth buy counterfeit money, and this Examinant further saith, he hath bought severall times counterfeit moneys of most of the above said persons jurat corā me J: Stanley John his I Mark Gall