Frettiefarmus Barker: The Information of Frettiefarmus Barker 27 July 1702
Middx Ss The Information of Frettiefarmus Barker of the parish of St Marys white Chappell in the County of Middlesex gent, taken this 27th Day of July 1702.
Who saith upon his oath that he was one day in the last week at Popler in the County of Middlesex near the houses of Josiah Pashmore and Thomas Williams and did then see the Said Pashmores wife carry into her Said husbands house about half a bushell of small coal, and at the same time did see Thomas Williams carry into his own house a parcell of other coal & that he doth suspect the said Thomas Williams and the aforesaid Pashmors wife to be guilty of high treason in the counterfeiting the currant coyn of this Kingdome capt: cora me die et anno prædictū John Stanley Frettie Barker