Ceciliah Labree: The Examination of Ceciliah (Cecilia, Sicily) Labree 10 August 1702
Middx Ss The Information of Ceciliah Labree of the Parish of St Ann Blackfryers taken this tenth day of August 1702. upon oath
Who saith upon her oath that she hath bee acquainted Jane Housden about six years, and that about three years since she saw a parcell of counterfeit mild money in the hands of the Said Jane Housden which then confest to this deponent she had made her self by casting it in sand, and this deponent further saith that she had severall times since been in company with the said Jane Housden and heard her confess that she sells her counterfeit mild money to Susannah Smith Hannah Madgwell Alice Madgwell, Mary Crow Elizabeth Bond Mrs Roudom Judith Falkner and Jane Salt, after the rate of forty counterfeit shillings for twenty good shillings and that Susann: Smith hath owned to this deponent that she hath lately had of Jane Housden three pounds of counterfeit mild money, for twenty shillings good money, and this deponent farther saith that about one year since she saw in the hands of francis Smith two half Crowns which were counterfeit, one of them had a peice of the gall to it, and three counterfeit mild shillings not finished and a peice of Metall of about 6 ounces weight which money and metall the said Smith declared he found in a cellar in his then dwelling house in Earls court by Drury Lane, which said house was the late dwelling house of the aforesaid Jane housden, the said housdens goods being then in the aforesaid house and the aforesaid Smith did then declare to this deponent that he did beleive the said half Crowns and shillings with the metall to be Jane Housdens, because it was very like some counterfeit mild money which the said Francis Smith had severall times before bought of the said Jane Housden, after the rate of forty shillings bad money for twenty shillings good, And this Deponent further saith that about two months since she did meet one John Lallue who then shewed her three counterfeit mild Shillings and told her that his brother Charles and himself did work at a brasiers Shop, and did take opportunitys when their master was from them to make counterfeit money of white metall and silver it over, and this deponent further saith that she hath within this six months last past seen mild money in the custody of Susannah Smith, Hannah Madgwell Alice Madgwell Elizabeth Bond Mrs Roudom Jane Salt and Francis Smith, which they all owned to this Deponent they bought of Jane Housden aforesaid Sicily Labree capt coram me die et anno præd: J: Stanley