Steven Holloway: The Information of Steven Holloway 9 November 1703
Willts Ss The Information of Steven Holloway now a prisoner in the goal at Fisherton Anger in the Said county of Willts taken upon oath before me this 9th day of Novemb: 1703
This Informtt upon his oath saith that within the space of a month last past George Scott of Malmsbury in this country Cloathier and Wm: Scott of Christan Malford in the same county Yeoman - - came severall times to this Informtts house at Christian Malford aforesaid and consulted with this informant about counterfeiting the currant coyn of this Realm & after severall tryalls about makeing - - - of counterfeit money they the Said George Scott and W:m Scott did at the Said house of this informant in Christan Malford aforesaid make about forty peices of money in imitation of Shillings of the currant coyn of this realme, and that the said George Scott and W:m Scott did severall times indeavour to make crown peices in imitation of the currant coyn of this realm butt could never finish the same to pass currantly because they could never make the same compleatly, like the currant crown peices of this kingdome this Informtt saith to the best of his remembrance it was the 6th of May last at Chippeham fair one Robert Emett living at a park as this Informant doth beleive within the Said parish of Calne in the Said county of Willts came to this informant and Received of him four or five shillings in counterfeit money which this Informtt told him was such & the Said Robt: Emett knew the same to be so, and took the same in order to putt the same shillings of, for good & Lawfull coyne of this kingdom, butt whether the Said Rob:tt Emett did putt the same of as such this Informtt cannott tell and further this Informtt saith that Robt: Hort of Calne in the Said county of Willts maulster did about whitsuntide last att his own house in Calne aforesaid in the presence of this Informtt make & coyn severall shillings of mixt metall in imitation of Shillings of the currant coyn of this realm Jurat die et anno prius infra script: cor me Jo: Young Stephen Holloway