John Taylor: The Information of John Taylor (Constable) 30 August 1703
West Rid Com Eboy SsThe Information of John Taylor Constable of Austwick in this Riding taken beofre me Ambrose Pudsay Esquire &ct. upon oath this day of Aug.t 1703.
Who upon his Oath saith and Informeth that being com̄anded by a warrant under the hands and Seales of the Justices of the peace (in the ,receding Information Men{t}ioned[Editorial Note 1]) did with other persons apprehend Michall Lawson John Airey alias Verey and George Town, accused for Counterfeiting Stampt paper, and also fro buying Dyes for Counterfeiting Crowns and halfe Crowns, and for Counterfeiting the currant coyn of this kingdom, he with others did apprehend the Said Michael Lawson and John Airey, (who when apprehended being asked his name by this Informant said it was Pearson) and also the said George town was at the same time taken upon suspicion at or near Michall Lawsons Smithy, and going afterwards to Search for William Taylor at Ham̄ond head, togeather with one Mr Henry Smithson (who brought the Warrant) upon Searching the house he saw the said Mr Smithson, he saw him the Said Smithson finde therein a Dye or Stamp for counterfeiting Stamp paper which was for the double Sixpenny Stamps, as also another for a Single Counterfeit Sixpenny Stamp, with some Sort of Metall which this Informant doth not understand, and further saith that the Said Mr Smithson delivered the same into this Informants hands Capt. jurat &ct. coram John Taylor Ambrose Pudsay
[Editorial Note 1] See Deposition No. 475.