George Town: The Examination of George Town 30 August 1703
West Rid Com Eboy SsThe Examination of George Town of Linghill now in Custody Take{n} this day of Augt 1703 before Ambrose Pudsay Esquire &ct.
Who upon his Examination saith that on Satturday the Instant he overtook upon Burn moon a person who called himselfe John (who at present is in custody with him) who told him he was goeing to Shapp. and in their Road he called at Michall Lawsons house, where he got some Small beere, and as he beleivs did not Stay there above a quarter of an hour, he doth confess that he was bound over by Recognizance to appear at the Assizes in March last holden at York, by Edward Parkinson of Townshead in Slaidborn (who accused him for paying him 3. counterfeit Crown peics) but that he did not appear according to the Said Recognizance. Exam̄ die et an̄ &ct George Towne Ambr. Pudsay