John Cartlitch: The Information of John Cartlitch (Cartlish) 24 July 1704
The Information of John Cartlish Refiner taken upon Oath this 24. thday of July 1704.
Who saith that on or before the 20th day of June last, he this Deponent did buy of Mr Moses Beranger, about the quantity of 1400.oz of peices of Eight, amongst which parcell there were about 400.oz weight counterfeit, as he this Deponent doth verily beleive: And he this Deponent further saith that being willing to find out the fraud if possible did desire the aforesaid Moses Beranger, to furnish him with another parcell from the same person he had the others off. And accordingly the Said Beranger did bring unto this Deponents house upon the day of this Instant July about the same quantity of 1400. ounces of peices of Eight, amongst which last parcell, their were only one peice of Eight Counterfeit after the same manner of the former, And he this Deponent further saith that he did ask the said Moses Beranger of whome he had the Said peices of Eight and that the Said Moses Beranger readily answered he had them from Mr Berth in Mark layn Marchant, and further saith that those peices now produced & Shewn are the very same that his Servant brought him from the abovesaid Moses Beranger. John Cartlitch Capt. et jurat an̄ et die Suꝑdict coram me S. Lovell Recorder