Roger Woodburn: The Information of Robert Woodburn 25 November 1704
Com Lancaster Ss. The Information upon Oath of Roger Woodburn of Ulverston in the Said County Gen: taken the Nover 1704. &c.t
Who Informeth and Saith that on Tuesday last the 4. instant this Informant was in Company with Ben: Johnson of Kirkby Lonsdale in the County of Westmld Gentleman and James Lindlow of the parish of Ulverston aforesaid yeoman Thomas Petty Robbt Stanckbanck, John Wilkinson and Robert Warriner all in this Informants house in Ulverston, drinking a Glass of Ale, where there happen'd some jocose discourse, betwixt this Informant and the Said John Lindlow, wherein the said Lindow pretended this Informant had uttered some scandalous words against him, and thereupn the Said John Lindow pulled two halfe Crowns out of his pocket, and offered them to Mr John Benjamin Johnson (whome he apprehended to be an Attorney at Law) as his Fee to be concern'd for him in a Suit to be com̄enced againt this Informant for the Said Slander, That the Said Mr Johnson took the Crownes and layd them by him, and shortly after looking upon them he declared that he beleived they were both Counterfeit money, and charged the said Lindow with them, but he said that he had them at Hauxhood for yarn by him there lately sold, and Mr Johnson talking of sending for a Constable, the said Lindow went out of the Roome, into the town Street of Ulverston aforesaid where upon Mr Johnson said that his goeing out of the room look't more Suspitious upon the Said Ja. Lindow. This Informant further saith that when the Said Mr Johnson first charged the Said Lindown with the two bad halfe Crownes, he the Said Lindow pulled out more money, amongst which Mr Johnson looking picked out another halfe Crown which he Said that he beleived was Counterfeit and also took that from the Said Lindow: That about a quarter of an hour after (or less) Lindow comeing into the Said company again, some of the Company stept out into the street, and Shortly after brought in 12. or 13. other halfe Crowns which they said they found in the Town Street of Ulverston, and beleived them to be counterfeit, which some of the Company sealed up in a paper, but this Informant did not see when the Said halfe Crowns were taken up. And this Informant further saith not Roger Woodburn Capt jurat &c.t coram nobis Cha: Rigby Tho: Sherston Jo: Hidgson