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Com Lancaster Ss. The Information upon Oath of Thomas Petty of Newton in Dalton parish taken the day and place aforesaid[Editorial Note 1]

Who saith that on Tuesday last this Informant was in the Evening in Company at Roger Woodburns house with Severall other persons when James Lindow pulled out of his pockter 2. 12 Crownes and gave then to Benjamin Johnson (supposing him to be an Attorney at law) as his Fee to be concern'd for him in a suite to be com̄enced against the Said Roger Woodburn for some scandalous words by him Said to be spoke by the said Lindow. That some time after that the Said Ben: Johnson looking upon the said 12 Crownes, declared that he beleived that the same were Counterfeit money, and charged the said Lindow therewith who Said that he took them the munday before at Hauxhead for some Yarn he had sold there, Upon which discourse the said Ja: Lindow went out of the Said house unto the town street of Ulverstone, and within less than 12 an houre, came into the company againe, and not long after, some of the Company brought in 12. or 13. 12 Crowns, which Mr Johnson said was also Counterfeit money, and which was said to be found in the Town Street of Ulverston, and suspected to have been dropped by the Said Lindow: This Informant being present when all the suspected halfe Crownes, were put up into two papers and Sealed, upon both which this Informants Seale was put, and where unto he refereth <1v> The same being put into the hands of Edward Petty Constable of Ulverston as was also the said Ja: Lindow himselfe, this Informant further saith that the Said Ja. Lindow, did not then own that he dropt or left any of the said 12. or 12. 12 Crownes in the Street, and further saith not                                         Tho: Pettie

[Editorial Note 1] 25 November 1704; see Deposition 504.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
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