Cicilia Nokes: The Examination of Cicilia (Cicillia) Nokes aka la Bree aka Jackon aka Bayley 30 March 1705
Com Middx Ss Mar: 30. 1705. The Examination of Cicillia Nokes alias la Bree alias Jackson alias Bayley taken before the Right Honorable Mr Secretary Harley
The Examinant Saith that in May 1704. or in June following she pleaded her Majesties gratious Pardon, some fileings of Silver being shewn to this Examinant which were found in a Paper Mark't Decr 23.d 1704 paid in part £ 5.- P - C - A the Examinant saith her child went to sea about a year agoe, but that some time before he went and brought her this paper, and told her it was Silver Sand, and that she the Examinant did keep it because it was all she had to remember her Child by Cicilia Nokes