Charles Leger: The Information of Charles Leger 3 November 1705
Westmr Ss. The Information of Cha: StLeger of Westmld Gentleman taken upon Oath this 3.d day of 1705.
Who upon his Oath saith that after he had for some small time been acquainted with one Richd Angell being first introduced therunto by Charles Read of Colledge Court Westmr whome he this Informant hath known for Severall years last past, he the Said Richd Angell did propose to this Deponent that if he the said Angell had but ten pounds of Good money, he could make a considerable advantage thereof by Counterfeiting Loüis d'Ors Spanish pistoles and Dutch Skillings and Said further that he did not doubt, but he could perswade his friend like wise to counterfeit the currant coyn of this Realm And this Deponent further saith that he the Said Rd Angell, did about 3. weeks since, deliver to this Informant one Counterfeit Skilling and that the aforesaid Angell, did about 10. dayes agoe deliver unto this Informant one Counterfeit Spanish Double pistole, he this Deponent paying the Said Angell 16.s of currant coyn of this Kingdom for the same, but then told this Deponent that if he had any more such peices he must pay 17.s for each peice for that his friend (of whome he pretended to have them) would not dispose of them under that price . And further upon his Oath this Deponent Saith, that about a week agoe the Said R.d Angell did tell unto this Informant that he could shew him the Impression taken from the very dyes for Counterfeiting Loüis d'Ors. And also told this Informant that he the Said Angell had spoake to his friend to send him the aforesaid Impressions by the penny post directed for him the Said Angell, at the Exchequer Coffee house in mitre-Court, and Ordered this Informant to call at the Said Coffeehouse and Said that if he shud find anote there dorected for the Said Angell he the Deponent might take it, and open it which accordingly he did and found there in the Impressions of a Counterfeit Loüis D'Or taken off from the Dyes in Sealing wax (which togeather with the aforesaid Counterfeit Dutch Skilling, & counterfeit Spanish pistole all now produced are the same so received from time to time as aforesaid) And further this Deponent Saith that the aforesaid R.d Angell did promiss to bring him this Deponent acquainted with the man that owned the dyes & that made the money . And this Deponent further saith that the Said Richd Angell did promiss to furnish this Informant with four or five Loüis d'ors made from the Dyes aforesaid as on Monday next being the of this Instant he this Deponent agreeing to pay him 14.s a peice Good money for the same And this Deponent further saith that he doth verily beleive, that the aforesaid Richard ANgell, and Charles Read, togeather with severall other persons are in Confederacy in Counterfeiting money . And further Saith, that the Said Angell and read have told this Deponent that one Captain Lacy and Captain Lamour two Sea fare-ing men have had dealings togeather by buying and Exchangeing Counterfeit Money Chas: StLeger Capt. jurat an et die suꝑdit coram J Stanley
The further Information of Cha: StLeger the 24 1705.
Who further saith upon his Oath that Charles Read was the first person that ever Shewed this Deponent one of the Counterfeit Dutch Skillings, and did likewise propose to this Deponent what a great Advantage if would be to him this Deponent if he would Enter into the confederacy with R.d Angell in Order to Counterfeit the Coyns. Charles S.t Leger Capt et jurat &c. coram me J. Stanley